
Hello World!

October 11, 2021

Black and white cat looking to the camera and lying on a bamboo bed

Photo Credit: Manja Vitolic

This is my first blog post!

I will be using this blog as an online notebook of problems, solutions, integrations and hacks that I have to do as part of my daily job or my personal hobbies.

Sure this will be useful for me, but I'm posting it online to share the knowledge I compile from different sources and my solutions to the problems I found.

I think this also will be a great opportunity to improve my rusty English skills.

This blog has been created using the Gatsby Tutorial as base.

The whole code of this site is hosted in Github. Please do open issues or PRs to discuss the contents of the blog, or if you simply want to improve something 😀

Tags: bloggatsby
Next: The Mistery of the Changing Width